You are refreshing and vital as the air, graceful and tender as sparkling water, lustrous and consuming as flames of fire, generous and enveloping as space and stable and deep as the earth.. you elemental woman are perfect beauty itself. *Ancient essay on the five elemental women of Indian mythology*


Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School*

Today my kids went back to school and like a big wuss I cried when they were all gone. This is my youngest's first year gone all day and my oldest started 6th grade. I watched him get on the bus and I had hugged him with an inch of his life..he didn't complain he just hugged me back. It didn't hit me about my youngest Kiki until I dropped off my husband at work and she wasn't in the car with me...chatting away about her cartoons and breakfast..I cried all the way home. My Bella started 2nd grade and she is so proud of herself and she is becoming more and more independent. I cried about that too.
I came home to our pets...I got them all settled and got set-up to work...and the silence was closing in on me...I missed my kids..I missed the noise..crazy me, I even missed yelling at I got to work and the day puttered by. When 3:05 came around I was squeezing my girls and asking them about their day...when the bus came for Draven, he told me all about his day. I am so proud of them...they are so wonderful. As their mommy I want them to enjoy school and be able to be away from me...but I had a hard time today. Tomorrow will be better...I'll treat myself to Mocha ^_^

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