You are refreshing and vital as the air, graceful and tender as sparkling water, lustrous and consuming as flames of fire, generous and enveloping as space and stable and deep as the earth.. you elemental woman are perfect beauty itself. *Ancient essay on the five elemental women of Indian mythology*


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm getting there*

Today, I rolled up my sleeves and tackled some majorly cluttered areas, but I feel so much better. After I got them cleared out and all the dust (ick) cleaned up, I felt energized and ready to get through some boxes gathering dust in the garage. It might sound silly, but I feel like I can think clearer. Anyways, thanks the lovely support of Mandy (the Cauldron Keeper) and Kallan (The Secret Life of the American Working Witch) I don't feel so alone...Thank you.
I'm getting my fire back and I'll be ready to be force to reckon with before you know ^_^

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