You are refreshing and vital as the air, graceful and tender as sparkling water, lustrous and consuming as flames of fire, generous and enveloping as space and stable and deep as the earth.. you elemental woman are perfect beauty itself. *Ancient essay on the five elemental women of Indian mythology*


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A thought for today*

When I was working this morning one of the Team Leaders posted her thought of the day and I wanted to share it:

Give but don't allow yourself to be Used
Love but don't allow your heart to be Abused
Trust but don't be Naive.
Listen to others but Don't lose your Voice.
     ~~ posted to share by Brandy Melton~

I felt that this was simple common sense that is so easily ignored. How often do we love but allow others to mistreat us, we give and trust, but are blind to what is staring us in the face, and how often do we listen and agree without thinking and lose our own distinct voice. We are all capable of giving love and respect and we all deserve to receive it. The normal day to day of work, family, and normal everyday dramas can drain us and leave us making the decision to do what's easiest instead of what is best for ourselves. Don't forget we are all vibrant beings and deserving in this life.
So for a little boost of strength and energy to face the day here is a recipe for Energy oil:
Mix 4 drops of Orange oil
2 drops of Lime oil
1 drop of Cardamom
*don't forget when mixing oils use a base oil, such as jojoba, sunflower, safflower, or coconut ( 1/8 cup)*
Wear when needed for extra get up and go*
When we are at our best and our personal power is flowing all those around us benefit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the important things that get lost in everyday life...Blessed Be!
    Marci aka Momastew
